Up-Dated Often SOUTHERN HERITAGE & LIBERTY ARTICLES: Remembering The Destroyer Of The Republic


Remembering The Destroyer Of The Republic

By Al Benson Jr.

In February the country remembers the birth of the man who was responsible for the destruction of the republic the Founding Fathers gave to this country. What this man left us instead of the old republic was a centralized, collectivist “democracy” where the governmental forms were preserved but the real substance removed, and to this day, thanks to an educational system that has dumbed down millions since its inception, we don’t realize that.

Abraham Lincoln has been regarded by generations as “the great emancipator” because he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. It didn’t free a single slave. Go back and read it. The proclamation “freed” slaves where Lincoln had no authority to, in the Confederate States, and it left in bondage those slaves in any territory held by the Union where slavery existed. Sounds like the sort of “emancipation” Mr. Obama wants for present day America.

Lincoln was a friend to communists and socialists. He had them in his armies. He had them as friends. Some of them helped draft the Republican Party platform he ran on in 1860. Socialists and communists were among the early Republican Party movers and shakers.

When Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto (he was actually a hired hack writer) in 1848 he listed ten points for communists to use in taking over a country. Whether inadvertently or not, Lincoln incorporated several of these into his agenda. The Communist Manifesto called for “A heavy, progressive graduated income tax.” In 1862 the Lincoln administration foisted upon Americans the Internal Revenue Service, which soon began to tax everything from soup to nuts. Didn’t realize we’d gotten the IRS quite that early did you? Most think it didn’t come until the early 1900s. Wrong! It was a “gift” from Mr. Lincoln.

Marx advocated “Centralization of credit in the hands of the State by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.” Lincoln’s administration, in 1863, gave us the National Banking Act, which mandated uniformity in banking and bank note currency.

In his manifesto, Marx also promoted a “Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of population over the country.” This was carried out by the “Southern Redistribution Act” which redistributed property into large collectives, or combines, under the control of Yankee carpet-baggers. Part of this constituted taking the property of Southerners and “redistributing the wealth” to the greedy hordes of carpet-baggers who came south after the War to capitalize on Southern misery, and to get rich as quickly as they could, any way the could. Even though, by this time, Lincoln had gone to his reward, the Marxist policies of his administration were being carried forward, and even expanded by those would-be Marxists in the Republican Party that followed him.

But the real linchpin of Marx’s program was its tenth point: “Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial labor.” To implement that, the Lincoln administration gave us the Morrill Land Grant Act, which authorized Federal aid to “established government-controlled (public) colleges. With the aid came increased government accountability and regulations.” Author John Chodes has noted: “This was the closest that Washington had ever come to direct aid to education. The stated objective was to fund colleges that teach agriculture and mechanic arts via money raised through federal land-grant sales. The true objective was to bring the Northern perspective to the reconquered areas of the South, to teach the rebel’s children ‘respect for national authority’--to break their rebellious spirit forever. The three R’s had absolutely nothing to do with this landmark bill.” The idea was to brainwash the next generation of Southern youngsters so they would never dream of seceding as their fathers had--and the government schools in the South are still doing that today.

All of this happened under Lincoln or his immediate successors. Lincoln’s view of a centralized national government presiding of one “indivisible” nation was the same view held by Marx, and later Hitler. It was not the view held by our Founding Fathers, nor by the delegates of those states that ratified the Constitution, but whose ratification language clearly stated that, should this new Union not work out, their states retained the right to withdraw (secede) and again look after their own interests. The thought of individual states governing themselves scared the daylights out of Lincoln, just as it does today’s national totalitarians in both parties.

One writer has called Lincoln “America’s Lenin” while another has referred to his as “America’s first Bolshevik.” Noting Lincoln’s imitation of so many points in the Communist Manifesto, who can disagree with either of them. The era of big government started with Lincoln, and thanks to that, we now have Obama. Seems like the “great emancipator” really didn’t emancipate much other than the spirit of Marxism in America.

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